"纤维之路上,骑行者以独特的视角编织着温暖的篇章。在自行车道上,‘Fiber Tracks on Cycle Paths’活动不仅让人们在骑行中享受运动的乐趣,更通过创意方式将纤维艺术与日常生活相结合,为每一次出行增添了温暖与美感。这项活动展现了运动与文化艺术的完美融合, 让参与者们在锻炼的同时也能感受到手工艺术带来的温馨氛围。"
——By Yarn Artist’s Notebook💰❤️+Wheels😊
“咔嗒、咔哒”,链条转动的声音在清晨寂静的路上显得格外清脆,我骑上那辆公路自行车感受着轮胎与地面摩擦发出的节奏声韵🎵 ,作为一名用纤维编织温暖的艺术家我的每一次出行都不仅是身体上的迁徙更是心灵上的漫游🌟 bike journey also serves as a soul wandering journey for me.𝐾... ... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................,....,重点是每次总能在这些平凡的日子里找到灵感源泉───不论是路旁野草的生命力还是天边云朵的自由舒展都能成为我心头珍贵的素材库of inspiration.| everyday life is full of sources of inspiration —— whether it be the vitality in roadside weeds or the freely drifting clouds that fill my heart with precious materials to draw upon| . |踱步于现实与艺术交织的边界线上│ walking along this border where reality intertwines with art; 我的双手不仅握持着自行车的把手也紧紧抓握着那些柔软的丝线soft fibers —— 在每一个旋转中它们缓缓讲述着自己无声的故事telling their silent stories within each turn.{So},当阳光透过树叶间隙洒在背上时when sunlight streams through gaps between leaves onto my back;我似乎也能感受到每一缕光线是如何被细密地穿梭进了我的生活and weave itself tightly into all corners and aspects throughout by daily living activities|. 就这样一路向前letting myself drift forward continuously 一边记录下沿途风景sketching out scenes from roadsides while also intertwining warmth & comfort created via fiber weaving techniques - embodying perfect harmony from both inside world n outside self !